. nailsapART: Blue Floral Matte Nails - Feminine Nails - The Lazy 15

Sunday 18 November 2012

Blue Floral Matte Nails - Feminine Nails - The Lazy 15

So, second post today in the name of catching up on the Lazy 15! Here are my feminine nails...

Blue Floral Nail Foils
This is the 3rd or 4th time I've done this mani and every time I've not posted it as I've not been impressed with how the pictures have turned out but I LOVE the effect of these overall - I always get great complements on them...

The base coat is W7 (no name), and the flowers are from these nail foils. They are really easy to use - you just put on the adhesive and wait for around 6-8 minutes then rub the foils over the top. The adhesive can be bought from the same company, but I already have this one from Amazon which works great

Word to the wise - Seche Vite doesn't work here. The shrinkage problems mess up the foil underneath. I used a matte top coat from Rimmel for these.

Blue Floral Manicure

Here are the other lovely people taking part in the challenge:


  1. wow, so vintage and so so so beautiful! this is one of the vintage looks I had hope to achieve one day. LOve the colour combination and indeed this is so feminine! Love it!

  2. Thanks so much! They are so easy to do and they look even better in real life!

  3. :-O omg... these are to die for!! where do u get your nail foils? I must must try thissss - ok breath.... stunning!

    1. Aww thanks - they really do look better in real life - was difficult to get a picture that does them justice. The foils are from http://www.foilsonline.com/. You get enough to do a few sets and they are quite cheap (and I am in no way affiliated with this company!)

  4. wow your nails look amazing!! stunning and I LOVE them more because you used a matte top coat, it makes them look like vintage wallpaper xx

  5. Fantastic! They look so soft <3 And yes, feminine! x

  6. Wow these are stunning! Just found your blog, it's lovely!

    Kim x


  7. These are so gorgeous and amazing, love love love!!!

  8. Love it! Love the color used and the design. It looks so feminine. Great for any occasion.
